Medigap Plan A

Plan “A” Gives You a Little Extra Cost Protection

Medicare Supplement insurance plans help cover the “gaps” in Medicare, which may include copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. Many different plans, labeled A through N, are available in most states through private insurers.

Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Plan A is the most basic option, covering the fewest healthcare benefits. We’ll go over what Plan A covers, the costs associated with it, and who may benefit from this policy.

What’s Covered Under Plan A?

Plan A covers 100% of four categories:

  • Medicare Part A coinsurance and hospital costs — for inpatient care up to an additional year after Medicare benefits are used up
  • Medicare Part B copayment or coinsurance expenses
  • The first 3 pints of blood used for an approved medical procedure
  • Medicare Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment

All Medicare Supplement plans cover 100% of hospital care coinsurance. All plans also cover these categories: Medicare Part B copayments, 3 pints of blood, and hospice care coinsurance. The other plans cover at least one benefit that Plan A doesn’t cover.

Costs Associated with Plan A Coverage

If you have Medigap Plan A, you’re still responsible for paying your Medicare Part A and Part B deductibles. You must also pay for skilled nursing facility care coinsurance, Part B excess charges, and costs for foreign travel emergency care. Other Medigap plans may cover these five categories.

Get the right coverage at the right price.

Who May Benefit the Most from Plan A?

Medigap Plan A might be the perfect choice for people who don’t want to pay expensive premiums for benefits they may never use. With that in mind, Plan A coverage could result in higher out-of-pocket costs if you need skilled nursing facility care or another uncovered category.

Medigap Plan A Is NOT Part A

Be careful not to confuse Medigap Plan A for Medicare Part A.

Medicare Part A is one-half of Original Medicare (Parts A and B), covering inpatient hospital care. Medigap Plan A refers to supplemental coverage that helps pay for out-of-pocket expenses from Medicare Parts A and B.

What Else You Should Know

Health insurance providers that sell Medigap plans are legally required to offer Plan A. In most states, Medigap plans are standardized, which means that all plans with the same letter have to offer the same basic benefits — no matter which carrier is offering it.

For example, Medigap Plan A offered by UnitedHealthcare in Texas has the same basic benefits as Plan A from Cigna in Oklahoma. The key difference between plans offered by different carriers is the premium cost. Some carriers might offer extra benefits with their Medigap plans.

The Bottom Line

When you need a little extra cost protection beyond what Medicare covers, Plan A is a good option. With Plan A, you can feel secure knowing you’re covered anywhere in the United States. As long as you pay the monthly premium, your policy is typically guaranteed renewable. You also have the freedom to use any doctors and hospitals who accept Medicare. If you’re interested in Medicare Supplement Plan A, contact us — we’ll help you get the lowest rates in Texas.